Expat Service helps expats with an online tax filing service for their income tax return. Efficient, simple and affordable tax filing whenever and wherever you are in the world. That’s why Expat Service is the intelligent choice for every expat.
When you immigrate to or emigrate from the Netherlands during the year, you will have to file a so called M form (migration form). You can only file this tax return on paper available in Dutch language only. Expat Service can file the tax return via the M form electronically and provide you with an English specification of the tax return in the Netherlands.
In the year of migration the m form consist of a resident and a non-resident period. In the resident period you are taxable for your worldwide income in the Netherlands whilst in the non-resident you are only taxable for specific income items such as Dutch real estate (situated in the Netherlands). Based on experience we notice that a lot of mistakes are included in the Dutch tax return in the year of migration when prepared by yourself.
In most cases the Dutch tax return in the year of migration is very beneficial for you to file as this will most likely lead to a tax refund / amount receivable. If you were invited by the Dutch tax authorities to file za M form then it must be completed and filed with the Dutch tax authorities before the deadline stated in the invite. We can request 1 year extension for filing of your Dutch tax return and will only request extension if needed. If you were not invited it will still be beneficial to filed file the Dutch migration form. You can still file the M form up to 5 years after ending of the concerning tax year.
Get 100% tax compliant
With our unique portal, you can easily prepare your own income tax returns.
All this in only 3 easy steps.
Expat Service helps expats with an online tax filing service for their income tax return. Efficient, simple and affordable tax filing whenever and wherever you are in the world. That’s why Expat Service is the intelligent choice for every expat.
HQ Netherlands, Stratumsedijk 6 Eindhoven I KvK/CoC 80399673
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